Thursday, February 26, 2009

HAPPENINGS February 2009

The First Hebrew Congregation Web Site
is under construction!

Check it out at:
We are attempting to get as many members as possible to receive the Happenings
by e-mail to reduce costs of ink
and paper mailings.
To participate, please send your e-mail address, comments, suggestions,
photos to be posted, etc.!
Our congregation's new e-mail address is:

Now that the weather has subsided a meeting of the shul Board
resulted in some good news
and some not so good.

The Chanukah party was canceled because of the weather but the food
was saved and served by Sue Price and Barry Fidelman
at a beautiful shiva luncheon following a funeral
officiated by Lou Price, President at the the
First Hebrew Congregation Cemetary

for Norman Pearce who passed away January 1st, 2009.

On a lighter note, Rabbi Michael Rascoe of Temple B'nai Shalom
in Benton Harbor offersa free Newsletter subscription
to anyone who would like to receive it by mail or e-mail.
or phone (269) 925-8021
for more information.

Our Purim program has been canceled for lack of interest.
Many families are simply out-of-state.
PLEASE make your reservation intentions known about Passover,
so plans for the Community Seder/Dinner can be tallied!
Any other events planned for the shul must be presented ahead of time
at a Board Meeting for approval.

The Kitchen committee has decided on renovations
for the storage area behind the stage. As soon as electrical service
upgrades are finished a work day will be announced.

The fire escape has been repaired and is up to code.
Fencing at the front of the shul will be finished come spring.
New locks are in place on the doors, and gutter and soffit
repair work has been scheduled.

Lou announced that the Shul will have a "space or booth" during the
Blueberry Festival in August for the sale of Lox Boxes.
Plans will be forthcoming.
Sam Price, son of Lou Price, is in Afghanistan and would like us
to keep in touch at:

Company HQ, 1st Platoon
Pvt Samuel D. Price
1431st EN CO (SAPPER)
APO, AE 09314

There has been a request to publish
a Community Rosh Hashana 5770 Greeting Card
for the New Year 2009-10 as a fund-raiser.
The last time this was done was 8 years ago by the Ladies Auxiliary,
photo of the card and listing examples are shown below:

Listing Example#1:
In Memory of Moishe Doestein by Joe & Rachael, Sam, Sarah and Sidney Doestein & Families

Listing Example #2:
Joe and Rachael Doestein & Family

Listing Example #3:
Joe Doestein Family

Listing Example #4:
Joe Doestein


To list your family name or memorial, send $15.00 each listing to:
Greeting Card / FHC 249 Broadway, 249 Broadway, South Haven, MI 49090.

Karen Moore

Joe and Chavie Steinfeld on the birth of two grandsons;
Eliyohu born to Aaron and Devorah Steinfeld of London England and Eliyohu Pinzhos born to Ahuva and Dov of Lake wood, New Jersey.

Donations from January and February

General Fund
Karen Moore
Larry Winkelhake

In Memory Of Sheila Fidelman:
Hyand Shelly Warshawsky
H & B Wilde
Remy and Julia Rubin

In Memory of Norman Pearce:
Arnie and Debbie Zuckerman
Remy and Julia Rubin
Barbara Adler and Jack
Gerold and Charlene Fleishman

Get Well Wishes:
Barbara Adler from Gerold and Charlene Fleishman
Esther and Hy Price

Join Us at the Next Board Meeting, Voice Your Opinions!!!
Copies of proposed publications will be available.

Sunday, March 15th 10:00 AM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Board Meeting 3rd Sunday 10AM

Canceled two months in a row due to inclement weather, plans for Purim and Pesach must be discussed at this Board Meeting!
Everyone welcome!
Sunday Feb 8th, 10-Noon.