Sunday, January 31, 2010


This has been a NormalMichigan winter month.

For the past 3-4 years we were experiencing

“mild” Michigan winters

and got spoiled.

When 4 foot of snow on ice accumulated

in a very short period, even the City and most stores

closed as the plows could not keep up,

so whatever Shul activities were planned were also postponed.


Steve Tolen has been busy building and installing

new shelving for the storage spaces.

This helps clear the kitchen area of clutter.

All the help has been greatly appreciated!

Thank You

also, to everyone who


Paid their Membership Dues,

it really helps!

Please check the color of your address labels for status corrections:

( Black indicates PAID MEMBER)

(Orange or Red= Past Due Member)

(Green= send bulletin only)

(Blue= Guest/Visitor/Summer Address)

(Fuchsia= Mailings have been returned/undeliverable)

(Please call Hy or Min if there is a discrepancy!)


Mike Slotnick for snow removal

Hanselman General Fund

In order to save big shipping costs,

Barry Fidelman drove to Chicago and picked up the

new Memorial Boards, which are being installed now…

so, if you have been waiting to place a memorial

name plaque, now is the time to do so.

For further information email at or call

Barry at or

Barry at 269- 906- 0547 or

Hy Warshawsky at 269- 637- 4685


The house behind the Shul has

come up for sale again

and Barry Fidelman suggested we purchase it

and make it into a kosher Bed and Breakfast

with Quarters for a Rabbi over High Holidays.

Comments and Written Suggestions would be helpful.

You can reply by writing

or send a note using our physical address.

All replies

will be brought before the Board

at the next meeting which will be on

21 February 2010 at 10:00 A.M.

Everyone Welcome


You now have a


that there

will be

a Passover Seder

on Sunday, the 28th of MARCH!!!

Please make your Reservations as soon as possible so the cook can know who wants what.

Dinner at 5:30 P.M.

with a choice of Brisket or Oven Baked Chicken.

--- Adults / $20.00 ---

--- Children to age 12 / $10.00 ---

--- Age 3/under/free ---

Reservations are a MUST !

Bring friends!

Everyone is welcome!