Sunday, August 23, 2009


The Annual Meeting was held on 16 of August, 2009, a full Board attending with the exception of Irving Goldberg.

Board members for 2009-2010
voted in by the members of our congregation are now:
Barry Fidelman, Lou Price, Mike Slotnick, Hy Warshawsky, Min Pearce, Anne Moffat, Debbie Ehrlich, Steve Tolen, and Joyce Berman.

Reports were given and the Annual meeting adjourned.

The August Board Meeting was then held and Executive Officers

were chosen by closed vote as follows:

President Barry Fidelman / Kitchen Committee Chair

Vice President Lou Price / Religious Education

2nd VP Mike Slotnick / Building Committee Chair

Treasurer Hy Warshawsky / Contact

Secretary Min Pearce / Membership Committee

The President welcomed Steve Tolen and Joyce Berman.

A new brochure will be printed up for the coming year reflecting the changes and will be available for distribution.

Updates and accessibility changes to the website will be made also.

Paid Members will be offered a listings link in our online Member Business Directory

and are encouraged to submit their business cards / information

for consideration at the next meeting!

At the suggestion of Anne, a Zedekiah Box will be placed on the table in the foyer for your convenience.


It’s LOX BOX time!

Get your pre-paid orders in by August 31st deadline!

Work sessions for volunteers have been scheduled as follows:

Come on down and HELP-

(it’s more fun when there are many hands!)

4 Sept. (Fri.) 3:00 p.m. ‘till ?

5 Sept (Sat.) 7:30 p.m. ‘till ?

6 Sept. (Sun) 8:00 a.m. ‘till ?



B. Kozel in honor of Hy & Shelly Warshawsky’s Anniversary

Gerry & Charlene Fleischman in honor of

Hy Warshawsky’s birthday

Fred and Myriam Ebstein in Memory of Norman Pearce

Miscellaneous donations to the General Fund





Theatrical Productions of Interest:


The CIVIC Theatre in Kalamazoo will be presenting

"FIDDLER on the ROOF” Sept 25-Oct 10

Public ticket sales open Aug 31st. Our own Lou Price will again play the part of Tevya! Call 269-343-1313.


Oct 17-24th, Michigan OPERA Theatre in Detroit presents the opera “Nabucco”, by Giuseppe Verdi, based on the Old Testament story about the plight of the Jewish people during the time of the King Nebuchadnezzar. Exiled from their homeland, Jewish people are eventually victorious as the King frees them and asks forgiveness from G-d. This is the first time Michigan Opera has featured a main stage presentation opera with Jewish content. Call: 313-237-7464 or 313-961-3500


The Jewish Theatre of Grand Rapids presents

“The Value of Names” by Jeffery Sweet

on October 22,24, 25, 29, 31 and Nov 1. Call 616-234-3946



Board Meetings are USUALLY held at 10AM on the Third Sunday
of the month, but the
NEXT meeting date will be

September 13th.

All Welcome!




High Holiday Schedule

Please join us for High Holiday Services:

Sept 18th


Rosh Hashana -- 7:30 PM

Sept 19th

Rosh Hashana -- 9:00 AM

Sept 20th

Rosh Hashana -- 9:00 AM

-Kiddush follows-

Sept 27th


Yom Kippur -- 7:30 PM

-Kol Nidre-

Sept 28th

Yom Kippur -- 9:00 AM

-Break-the-Fast- -- 8:00 PM

See You There!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009





My apologies for being so late with this printing. I have been in ill health for some time now but I am getting stronger and hope to be my new self soon. Things have been going on never the less and I will attempt to bring you all up to date. The next Board meeting will be on the 16th of August, 2009.
Everyone Welcome.

Annual Meeting:

The following members were present as of
12:30 p.m.;
Mike Slotnick, Barry Fidelman, Hy Warshawsky and Min Pearce.
Since a quorum was not reached
(as is mandated in the by-laws to start a meeting),
this Annual
Meeting was called off.

Board Meeting:
There were 47 ballots received of 57 sent out for the Election of nine Board Members for 2009-2010. The following members were voted in: Joyce Berman, Debbie Ehrlich, Anne Moffat, Barry Fidelman, Lou Price, Mike Slotnick, Min Pearce, Steve Tolen and Hy Warshawsky. A suggestion was made to purchase a small shed to house the mower, edger, clippers, snow shovels, etc. but discussion was tabled since expenses for the kitchen, store room & painting of pipes in the social hall came to $ 7,406.80. Kiddush and Break-the Fast for High holidays will continue under Barry Fidelman’s direction. Lynda Warshawsky presented a program list with various topics of interest that may appeal to the general public as well as our local Jewish Community which could also be a stimulus for increased Synagogue membership and was given approval to begin.

Please Note these
Upcoming Events:

Question and Answer

Discussion Group

Every Thursday evening 8:30-9:30 pm;

hosted by Rabbi Margareten from Camp Agudah Mid-West.

A Shabbos Shmooze and Social

at the home of Norm and Lois Brown on Friday, August 21 at 7 PM. Please bring a dessert or appetizer to share. RSVP to Lynda Warshawsky at or 269-639-1532 and let her know what you plan to bring. Brown’s live on Lois Lane, west of Blue Star Hwy, East of Tello’s on the north side of North Shore Drive.

A Kosher Israeli Dinner and Talk

Tuesday, August 25 at 6 PM at the home of Joe and Lynda Warshawsky.

This evening is sponsored in part by a special grant from the Ravich Foundation and the Metro Detroit Jewish Federation.

Co-sponsored by The Chabad House of Grand Rapids.

Bring only yourselves but RSVP to or 269-639-1532.

We look forward to seeing you!


$30 for: 4 servings of EACH;

Bagels, Lox, Cream Cheese, Sliced Onion & Tomato,

Juice, Coffee Cake, Plastic Knife/Fork and Napkins also Included.

Pick-Up Your Order or Dine-In!

(Sunday, September 6th between 10AM & 2PM only)

Payment Must Accompany Preorder / Deadline 31 August 2009

Contact any Board Member or call Secretary Min Pearce 269-637-2874

We are attempting to get as many members as possible to receive this newsletter by e-mail to reduce the costs of ink-on-paper monthly mailings.

Write to us to request your e-copy!


249 Broadway, South Haven, MI 49090

“The Happenings” and can also be viewed at:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Upcoming Activities

August 21
The Jewish Community of South Haven is invited
for a Shabbos Shmooz and Social
at the home of Norm and Lois Brown
on Friday, August 21 at 7 PM.
Please bring a dessert or appetizer to share.

to Lynda Warshawsky at:

call 269-639-1532
and let her know what you plan to bring.

The Browns live on Lois Lane,
west of Blue Star off of North Shore Drive,
east of Tello's on the north side of Nor(Sunday, September 6th)th Shore.

August 25
Enjoy a kosher Israeli dinner and talk
on Tuesday, August 25 at 6PM

at the home of Joe and Lynda Warshawsky.
This evening is sponsored in part by a special grant from the Ravich Foundation
and the Metro Detroit Jewish Federation,

also co-sponsored by Chabad House of West Michigan

Bring only yourselves
but RSVP


call 269-639-1532.

We look forward to seeing you!

Pre-Order Deadline
is Monday August 31st
The First Hebrew Congregation's

4 servings of EACH for $30;

Bagels, Lox, Cream Cheese, Sliced Onion & Tomato, Juice, Coffee Cake.

(Plastic Knife/Fork and Napkins Included)

For Pick-Up or Dine-In!

( Between 10AM and 2PM only )

(Sunday, September 6th)

Payment Must Accompany Preorder

See any Board Member for tickets


Call Min Pearce at 269-637-2874.