Sunday, March 15, 2009


Published in South Haven Daily Tribune, MARCH 1959

South Haven's "Dolls for Democracy" were unveiled this week at the First Hebrew Congregation by Mrs. Mildred Green, chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai Brith. A new and unique feature of the league's fight against prejudice and bigotry of any form, it is hoped that through displaying the dolls people of all races and religions will become better acquainted with individuals who have been and are "great for humanity."

The dolls on display are Dr. Jonas Salk, discoverer of the polio vaccine; David Ben-Gurion, prime minister of Israel; Jane Addams, America's leading social worker; George Washigton Carver, the famed agricultural chemist; Emma Lazarus, noted for her poem on the Statue of Liberty; and Pope Pius XII, the Pope of Peace.

The idea for "Dolls for Democracy" was first presented in Michigan by Dr. Morton Sobel, Michigan direcvtor of the ADL, four years ago.