Monday, August 9, 2010

JULY Updates...

Annual Election of New Board Members

Nominations are in and are being verified. Ballots will be mailed to paid members, along with a postage paid return envelope, due back by August 30, 2010.

Tallies will be announced at the annual meeting on Sunday, September 19th at 1PM.

To all those who HAVE paid their Membership Dues,

THANK YOU! has really made a difference!


Contract Discussions

Decisions made at the last Board meeting included the selection of materials to be ordered and installed that will complete the Kitchen Renovation before High Holidays. Discussion about future contracts (with specifications) for Lawn Care and Snow Removal, will be set at the next meeting. Repairs that need to be completed before winter on/in the building will also be discussed at that time.


Annual Lox-Box Sale

Sunday, Sept. 5th, 2010… Labor Day Weekend.

Tickets are available and can be purchased
from any Board Member
-Still $30.oo for 4 servings of each-
($15.oo for 2 servings)

which will include: Bagels, Lox, cream cheese, tomato, red onion, juice and coffee cake, napkins, knifes, forks, spoons and wet naps.



schedule of services as follows:

Conducted by Cantor Kenneth Hollander of Chicago

Erev Rosh Hashana
Sept. 8th at 7:30 PM

Sept. 9thth Morning Services START at 9:00 AM
Sept. 10 Morning Services start at 10:00 AM
Kiddush to follow

Yom Kippur

Kol Nidre
Sept. 17th at 7:30 P.M.
Sept.18th Service STARTS at 9:00 A.M.
Break-the-fast will follow the evening service at Approx. 8:00 PM


DONATIONS: General Fund

Bernard Storck

Lenore Wineberg



The "GH Monogram Mystery" has been settled by an e-mail!
Renee C. Anderson vividly remembers seeing the dishes and silverware in the cupboards as a child and being so proud of it's connection to her family...
(being niece and namesake of her Aunt Rose)
a donation that was presented to the First Hebrew Congregation by the Gerber-Hadesman family in memory of Rose Gerber Hadesman in the late 30s.


The Annua
l meeting is coming up...
Sunday, SEPTEMBER 19th at 1PM.

Next open BOARD MEETING is August 22nd at 10:00AM
