An updated brochure has been produced for distribution in the
community, Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau to
enclose in info paks as requested. It is printed on blue, legal size paper, to be folded in half,
then each half folded in again.
Rabbi Manes Weingarten, from the Chabad House of
Western Michigan, told the story of Chavout after the last Board Meeting (May 16).
The Rabbi's wife, Nechama, gave a demonstration on how to make
a traditional food eaten at this time; Blintzes!
Lynda Warshawsky served a wonderful cheesecake.
Barry Fidelman made fresh blintzes for everyone and they were enjoyed by all who attended.
There are more interesting events
so mark your calenders and plan to attend!
Call Lynda for more information 269-639-1532
Tuesday, June 15, 7-8pm
shares his experiences in Israel and India when he speaks
A Modern Day Interpretation of Repairing the World
Josh, a graduate of South Haven High School, earned his B.A. in International Politics and Economics from Southern Illinois University and is presently a graduate student at Brandeis University working toward a dual Master's degree in Sustainable International Development & Coexistence and Conflict. He is certified through the United Nations as a Permaculture and Eco-Village Designer.
The program will include an introduction to sustainability and Tikkun Olam, how (repairing the world) in our own lives and a slide show of Josh's experience working as an Assistant to the Director of Kibbutz Lotan's Center for Creative Ecology in Israel.
Sunday, June 20th, at NOON
a presentation by
Rabbi Leiby Burnham, LMSW,
from the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit
"Food Fights and Going Green"
will take place, followed by discussion.
A light "nosh" will be served
Sunday, July 25th
A Musical Program
with a lite buffet brunch:
"Bagels And Broadway"
Our own Lou Price singing,
accompanied by Matt Shabala on piano.
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Reservations by July 14th or Tickets at the Door
$15.00 per person
Contact Lynda Warshawsky - (269) 639-1532
The Annual Lox-Box Sale
takes place for pick-up on Labor Day weekend
Sunday Sept.5th, 2010
Tickets are being printed & will be available soon.
Still $30.oo for 4 servings of each- ($15.oo for 2 servings)
which will include Bagels,
Lox, cream cheese, tomato, red onion, juice & coffee cake,
napkins,knifes, forks, spoons and wet naps.
High Holidays
are early this year!
schedule of services as follows;
Conducted by Cantor Kenneth Hollander of Chicago
Erev Rosh Hashana - Sept. 8 at 7:30 P.M.
Rosh Hashana -Sept. 9- Morning Services START at 9:00 AM
Sept. 10 - Morning Services START at 9 AM
Kiddush to follow
Kol Nidre
Sept. 17th at 7:30 PM
Sept.18th Service STARTS at 9:00 A.M.
Break-the-fast will follow the evening service
Approx. 8:00 P.M.
The First Hebrew Congregation’s
will be held Sunday the 19th of September at 10:00AM
Members will be receiving a nomination request
notice in the mail for the 5771 Board.
Nominees must be paid members in good standing for 1 year to qualify.
Donations to the General Fund
Alan & Debbie Gluck
Donations in Memory of Ray Vogel
Irene O'Hara
Estelle Kahan
Louis Robbins
Edward & Lenore Grabowski
Dr. Burton & Mr. Michael Slotnick
J Daar Beadley DDS
Robert & Sheldon Katz
Loyolo's Dental School
Collectors Club of Chicago
Steve & Claudia of the
Debonair Social Club LLC
The next regular meeting of the Board will be on 20th June at 10:00 a.m.
Everyone is welcome!!